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Emma Maher of Foxhope Gundogs

Emma is a dog trainer and full time picker up on a mix of estates in our group. She grew up in the suburbs with dogs as pets and experimented in disciplines such as scent work, agility and running dogs with horses. This evolved into formal gundog training when she met her fiancé who is a gamekeeper.

Emma has also worked for 6 seasons lambing in the past and helped with educating school children on visits. She also helps The Country Girls UK raise awareness of gamekeeping and tackle issues such as misinformation around muir burn.

When asked about the role of women in rural Scotland she said ‘Women are equal to Men but it’s definitely harder for women in this industry and we need to shout about ourselves’

Her future goals include running dogs in field trials and educating more people about working gun dogs that can also be part of the family and not just a tool for the job.

Fun fact - Emma’s favourite game dish is Pheasant Goujon wraps with sweet chilli sauce.

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